We are located in Privad de los mangos 101, Tlatenango, Cuernavaca Morelos.
working days Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 A.M. to 17:00 P.M.
From pre-Hispanic heritage, Mexicans have manteined a ritual ceremony that was celebrated among indigenous cultures as a therapeutic and spiritual cleansing. The word temazcal comes from the Nahuatl word temazcalli, that means house of steam.

The temazcal works with volcanic rocks that are heated until red-hot and are placed in a safe place into the igloo-type construction, where people reunites.

At the begginning the bather is "cleaned spiritually with a sahumerio. After the initial ceremony, the conch shell is sounded, signaling the beginning of the temazcal bath. The people gets comfortable inside the temazcal. The door is closed, sealing off all light and sealing in the heat. Herbs are thrown on the stones to create a curative vapor, heating the temazcal to even higher temperatures.

The body may reach a temperature of 104°F (40° C) during the temazcal.

After the temazcal bath you can swim a little.
Come to Temazcal Cuetzpallin and have a relaxing day. Probably you will spend here all day long if you desire.